Please join this Global Meditation on Sunday, February 26, 2017!
Information about the Global Meditation:
The Meditation:
Source: By Jenny Schiltz, 02/10/2017
The energy is really coming in. We are having celestial events that help ramp up the energy, but there is more to it. There is a huge push with this energy. It is testing us to see if we are ready to move forward, to leave the old programming behind. Can we trust where we are going enough to let go of the old? Like all things this energy is multifaceted. There is a component that is still dredging up all of our stuff. It is asking us to really see the ways that we don’t love ourselves, the ways that we have compromised self, and the ways that we have not honored ourselves. For some this will come up as negative thoughts about self while for others it will be played out in the daily interactions. Observance is required so that we can see what is being shown without getting lost in the emotions of it. Writing your thoughts can help you to see the patterns that are bubbling up. With all that is coming up within the collective to be healed, some are feeling overwhelmed by the emotions swirling around. These can be quite deep and feel like a never ending cavern if we allow ourselves to sink into it. Again it is important to observe what is triggering you. These can be clues to what needs to be healed within you from your many incarnations, on this planet and others. Humans are Waking Up: For First Time in Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping to 36+2/3/2017 On 1/31/2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann Resonance has reached frequencies of 36+.
This is a big deal. In 2014, it was considered anomalous for the frequency to have risen from it’s usual 7.83 frequency to somewhere in the 15-25 levels. Here is what it looked like in 2014: And an article discussing how strange this was back in 2014: Now it is spiking at well over 30 for the past two days. Proof: Site where this info is from (where you can track in real time): Source: Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, Posted on 22 July 2016. ![]() Beloved Family of Light, when you began this year of 2016, we did say to you, with much love, that 2016 would be a challenging year, and that you would need to embody your Mastery in a powerful way. As the Lion’s Gate of 2016 approaches, you now prepare yourself for a New Beginning and to initiate your first major cycle of creation as an embodied Master and Alchemist. What does this mean? It means that you will take what is of low frequency and you will transform it and turn it into Golden Light! Even though you may be surrounded by people who are filled with fear and anger and other low frequency emotions and who are making choices based on these emotions, you will make your choices from Love and Compassion and you will be the Diamond Light that shines clearly and magnificently. Beloved Ones, now is not the time to give up or to step back. Now is the time to fully embrace who you are, who you have become, and to step forward into the Emerald Light as a fully embodied Master, a Creator and Alchemist of Light. In this time of chaos and challenge as the old falls away and the new is still to manifest, it is you who are here to hold the energy of the New, to be the New Earth, and to embody the Power and Empowerment of the New Earth Soul. The Lion’s Gate and the Planetary New Year : A New Cycle of Time and Creation On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year. This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun and the Divine Cosmic Heart. It marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate Star Portal, which allows for a powerful influx of Light Codes that will shape the form of experience in the coming year. These Light Codes will lift you into another level of evolution and experience if you allow this process, but if you are not aligned or you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again. Beloved Ones, be open to this grand influx of powerful Light and Blessings that is coming to you as this Star Portal begins to open on the 26th July, and culminates on the 8th of August on the 8/8, and then closes on the 12th of August. Here is a “window” of Light and Opportunity for each one of you to step up and into a new level and phase of your personal evolution on Earth.. There will be many distractions in the outer world. Many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention and will ask you to align your energy with theirs. Beloved Ones, it is enough to be aware of what is happening, but to focus your energy and attention rather on your inner processes and on the need to initiate a New Cycle of personal Creation that will express a higher level of your Soul and your Soul Essence on the Earth. Decide for yourself who you are and what you will create in your life and on the Earth, and then focus on that. Do not be drawn by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you wish to create.
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?
~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau. |
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