Restorative Sound Bath Meditation

Grace of Angels welcomes you to take part in a Restorative Sound Bath, featuring the ancient Solfeggio Frequencies. These Divine sounds are believed to restore the physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies, increase metaphysical abilities, release energetic blockages, repair DNA, restore balance, and bestow blessings upon the listener.
During this meditation you'll receive these vibrations through the harmonic & soothing sounds of tuning pipes. Resembling large wind chimes, the size and design of the pipes send out their resonance in expansive circles like a stone tossed into a lake, allowing their gentle vibrations to "wash" over you, while inducing feelings of peace and tranquility. Additionally, we'll introduce you to the frequencies of Shekinah; the female aspect of God, and Genesis; creation and restoration.
60 minutes, $22 Suggested Donation
Thursday, April 14th, 7PM
During this meditation you'll receive these vibrations through the harmonic & soothing sounds of tuning pipes. Resembling large wind chimes, the size and design of the pipes send out their resonance in expansive circles like a stone tossed into a lake, allowing their gentle vibrations to "wash" over you, while inducing feelings of peace and tranquility. Additionally, we'll introduce you to the frequencies of Shekinah; the female aspect of God, and Genesis; creation and restoration.
60 minutes, $22 Suggested Donation
Thursday, April 14th, 7PM